AVENTOS HK-S Stay Lift System

AVENTOS HK-S Stay Lift System
The ideal choice for small stay lifts

With AVENTOS HK-S, there is now a scaled down lift system that is specially designed for stay lift applications on smaller frontals.

Providing perfect motion for small cabinets with lift up doors is the goal of AVENTOS HK-S. It has been specially designed in terms of size and performance to provide the consumer with a perfect experience.

Perfectly suited to the cabinets positioned at the top of larder units and over appliances AVENTOS HK-S completes the existing lift system programme which includes; the bi-fold lift system (HF), up & over lift system (HS), lift up (HL) and stay lift (HK).

AVENTOS HK-S customers will also benefit from the high levels of comfort that come from integrated BLUMOTION for silent and effortless closing. As with all members of the AVENTOS family the variable stop ensures that the frontal will hold open at any desired position.